Akademische Freiheit

The Akademische Freiheit Blog (Academic Freedom Blog) first posted in 2016. Our slogan is: Qui tacet, consentire videtur (Freedom is ailing, long live freedom)! The struggle for the freedom of science, the freedom of teaching and learning has continued from ancient times to modern times.

One could leave it at that, because “academic freedom” is now an undeniable reality. But academic freedom is not an irrefutable fact and must be won anew at any time. The last century of ideologies in particular has shown that freedoms cannot be taken for granted. But even today, new ideologies and dogmas are gaining strength and limiting academic freedom. Making these dangerous tendencies visible is one of our main aims.

We have a primary focus on the positive and negative developments in the German scientific sector. But international trends are also receiving more and more attention from us.

This blog is an initiative of the Convent Deutscher Akademikerverbände (CDA) e.V. (Convent of German Academic Associations)

For more information visit the Akademische Freiheit Blog

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