Jam for Freedom

Jam for Freedom is an independent movement founded by street musicians. Their second annual Jam for Freedom Festival is coming up in August. The Festival is new and improved after a sell-out show last year!
The origin and mission of Jam for Freedom
Cambel McLaughlin, founder of Jam for Freedom, writes:
‘In the midst of lockdowns in June 2020 I brought my portable drum kit and speaker out to local parks to bring cheer and smiles to Londoners. This then developed into weekly outdoor free gigs named ‘The Outside Jam’ until the winter cold stopped us. On December 20th of that year further draconian measures increased against musicians and the general population with another lockdown. I then changed the name of my project to ‘Jam for Freedom’ My aim was to bring the world’s musicians together in a day of solidarity, called the ‘Jam for Freedom’. It was the first of many.’
Find out more at: www.jamforfreedom.com
Email Jam for Freedom: [email protected]