Free Speech Wales

Free Speech Wales (FSW) is an autonomous group that aims to of speech and expression in Wales. We believe such freedoms are essential to a thriving democracy.

We formed a little over two years ago, when a dozen or so members of the London-based Free Speech Union met in a cozy pub corner in Cardiff. We now run our own show in Wales, holding monthly ‘speakeasies’ where like-minded people can meet and chat over any topics they like, without fear of judgement or backlash. We offer friendly guidance and support to those who feel their voices are suppressed, and our efforts have aided university staff, local councillors, and a teacher dismissed for so-called ‘hate speech.’ We plan to take on a more proactive role in the near future, with the first priority being to lobby the Senedd for more free speech protections in Welsh universities.

FSW is not affiliated to any political, religious, corporate or social entity or movement.

For more information, email: [email protected] or follow and DM us on X: @FSW_Wales 

See also Facebook: @FreeSpeechWales and YouTube: Free Speech Wales

Follow Free Speech Wales on X/Twitter: @FSW_Wales

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